Seven Key Tips for Planning Elder Care

Jeremy Joiner |

Seven Key Tips for Planning Elder Care

处理照顾亲人的复杂问题可能是一项挑战, 当我们的父母或其他家庭成员变老时,我们中的许多人都会踏上这段旅程.

Noticing signs of decline in our loved ones is always hard, and making care decisions for them often feels even harder. While it's impossible to make the process entirely painless, the following guidance should be useful on your journey.


Tip 1: Initiate the Care Conversations Early

许多老年人倾向于避免谈论他们未来的护理需求, 这使得尽早解决这个问题变得至关重要. 在紧急需要出现之前,从一个充满爱和支持的地方这样做,可以帮助整个家庭制定一个连贯的计划.

Remember, many communities may have long waitlists due to high demand, so early planning is indeed beneficial.

Don't wait until the last minute to start the conversation.

Tip 2: Identify Current Needs

了解长辈的特殊需求是关键. 确定他们可能挣扎的“日常生活活动”(adl)可以很好地衡量他们可能需要的帮助的水平和类型.

For instance, 身体有限制的老年人可能需要帮助进行个人护理活动,如洗澡或穿衣, 而那些认知能力下降的人可能需要在交通方面的帮助, money management, and housekeeping. 认识到这些需求可以帮助他们尽可能长时间地保持独立,并确保成本效益.

Tip 3: Identify Their Financial Resources

Elder care can be expensive. Thus, identifying the available financial resources— income, investments, long-term care policies, insurance, benefits, etc.-可以让你知道你年迈的父母或亲人能负担得起什么.

Though nationwide care statistics provide a general overview, the actual cost of placement can vary based on location, level of care, type of facility, pricing structures, and more.

Tip 4: Be Clear About Your Resources and Expectations

Care expectations can vary dramatically within families. 很重要的一点是,你要清楚地知道自己能贡献什么,不能贡献什么, both in terms of time and resources.

Even though such conversations can be challenging, 尤其是当你的家人的期望与你的能力不同的时候, 建立清晰的界限和责任可以使你所爱的人清楚地知道他们需要什么服务.

Tip 5: Research Their Care Options

There are a lot of ways to help your loved ones age gracefully. 了解适合他们资源的各种服务和设施,可以帮助他们做出明智的决定.

有时,家庭装修和当地支持足以支持原地老龄化. 在其他情况下,搬到护理社区可能会为老年人的健康发展提供必要的支持.

Tip 6: Learn the Steps to Secure a Spot in a Community


Starting early helps. Asking for referrals, taking tours of facilities together (if they're willing), 了解每个社区的运作方式可以帮助你们理解这个过程.

当你确定了一个地方,你可以支付定金进入候补名单, giving them the option to accept a spot when it opens.

Tip 7: Reach Out for Help

Remember, you're not alone on this journey.

如果你需要安排照顾你的父母或长辈, don't hesitate to seek help.




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